Thursday, December 8, 2011

Manage What!?


And now TIME, the third in our list of things we need to "manage." What do I mean by "managing time?" We each have exactly the same number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds available to us - acknowledging that we all die after some unknown number of years. We can't add more time but we can use (manage) the time in a way that makes us more effective, more rested, and more fun to be with.

The management of time affects both relationships and stuff. It is concerned with how much time I devote to each them. Remember I mentioned it didn't matter so much which system you used but that you were consistent with the system you choose to us? This really starts with time. How much time to I give to my relationships and to my stuff? This then overlaps into what are my priorities. What has God called me to focus my life on in this season - seasons will change. "Young and single" is a season. "Married without children" is a season. "Married with grown children and grandchildren" is a season. There are others - you get the idea.

So where do we begin?

How about reviewing our priorities for this season? How? You need two things:
  • something that can capture your thoughts - paper or computer, usually
  • something to use to record your thoughts - pencil/pen/marker or keyboard
Make three (3) horizontal lines across your "paper" (spreadsheet works well)
Now make five (5) evenly spaced vertical lines down your "paper" (spreadsheet works well)

Label the 5 columns, God, Family, Church, Work, and Personal
Label the 3 Rows -top to bottom, Priority A, Priority B, and Priority C
(You can download this form by clicking HERE)

Now what!!? Next episode.

Be sure to comment and enter into this process.

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