Friday, October 28, 2011

Manage what?

I want to continue this discussion, perhaps with myself, but it helps to write it out.

In the last post I wrote about "relationships" and what they are. I chose to start from the back so that "manage" was the last thing we will discuss. So what do I mean by stuff?

This depends on your job, family status (married, single, with kids...), and activities. Each of these categories have "stuff" associated with them. Paper, letters, files, print cartridges, toys, kitchen tools, sports equipment, lawn and garden equipment, certificates, finances, and anything else that you touch through the days. We can't begin to list all of it.

So why do we need to learn to manage these things, these inanimate objects? Because, though they are inanimate objects, not managing them will cause them at some time to come to life and bite you. This I guarantee.

Just a quick reminder that we are still talking about the general area of administration.

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