Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Preparing Leaders is like Moving Mountains

Moving Mountains: Preparing Leaders
Discipling for Leadership


Ever since high school I have been in some type of leadership role. I never thought much about it or even consciously pursued it. However, through high school, and then college, I was involved in various leadership positions. From being team leader in a high school retreat program (where I met my wife), to beginning a program of our own, leading a home Bible study, working with youth in our church, and finally planting our own church, leadership has always been a part of my life.

Always surrounded by men who modeled leadership, I learned early in life that growth in leadership was more a continuum than an end. Along with the many men who shared their experience of leadership with me, I also enjoyed and learned much from reading many books on the subject. Hours were also spent in conferences learning some of the skills of leadership. Now, after more than 40 years of ministry, I feel I might have something to say to you, the younger generation. Even in taking this step, however, I confess that I don’t believe that I have arrived at the position of leader...only that I am on THE NEVERENDING WALK TO LEADERSHIP.

For me, the life of a leader is a continuous process of growth and maturation. We never really arrive at the destination, but rather we travel the way. At the same time, there are some skills, gifts, and talents which can be developed to help us better serve the body of Christ in the area of leadership— THE NEVERENDING WALK TO LEADERSHIP.

Leadership, then, is made up of many different aspects. In leadership, your personality, character, gifts, talents and skills all come together to give the church a model of godly leadership. The purpose of this book is to help you become the leader God has called you to be. You are unique; like no other man or woman alive. God has called you. The church needs you. Step by step we will consider various aspects of leadership. As you work through this NEVERENDING WALK TO LEADERSHIP it is my prayer that you will see your life changed.

Please do not just read through this book. Rather, take time to read and consider each topic and how it might impact or change your life. Find a partner, or two, to work through the book alongside you. If you find yourself with questions, write them down and seek answers before you move on to the next chapter. Perhaps the most important step of preparation in this process is your willful openness to the Holy Spirit and His direction in your life. In addition, find an older person of some spiritual maturity who can be a resource/mentor for you as you navigate THE NEVERENDING WALK TO LEADERSHIP.

Many people impacted my life and assisted God in bringing me to this time of my life. To the many people who have touched, changed, challenged and supported me over the years I owe a debt of thanks. Some of the relationships were filled with laughter, some filled with pain. Years ago I realized that the many experiences, positive and negative, are brought together by our gracious Lord to make me who I am today. Thank you God.

I would encourage you to keep a journal of the answers to the questions that are posed at the end of most pages Taking time to think and write will help you incorporate the changes you desire into your life.


Last modified at 9/28/2007 6:11 PM by Rick Widener

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