Monday, June 15, 2020

God's Love

I came to a saving knowledge of the Lord in 1969. Before that, I was “God-fearing” and loved Him more as one acquainted with a person and their biography. In October of 1969, I met, person to person, the one I had only known through someone else. It was a day that would change my life.During that period there were many struggles in the Christian religious world. One that raised its ugly head was the “battle” between those who believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit (yes, with all the gifts) and those who said the gifts were for a different age (or some other argument). We weren’t always very kind to each other – God have mercy on us. 

Today, as we pass through this pandemic there is a danger, that once again, as has happened many times in the past, Christian will abuse Christian. We read various articles that explain, what we can and cannot do, when and how to “re-open” of our buildings, directions from this group or that group, and we begin to make our decisions, we do need a new revival. Brett McCracken, in a Gospel Coalition article, Church, Don’t Let Coronavirus Divide You (, discusses this very real threat to the unity of the body of Christ spoken of in Psalm 133 and John 17. 

There are reasons for legitimate divisions. But, here, I am talking about Bible-believing, knowing Jesus as a personal savior, knowing the church as His living body – Christian men and women. The arguments are over suggestions, recommendations, and rules that are being set up by “someone.” “I think this whole pandemic is a conspiracy.” comes from one side, and, “I think if we do not follow every detail of every rule we are going to die.” comes from the other side. “The government is attacking the church!” to “We must obey Romans 13 and obey the government.” Everything in-between these statements is also being proclaimed.

Brett McCracken has us refer to Romans 14: “Let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother.” Again, in 1 Corinthians 8:9, we are told, “Be careful, however, that your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.” This is not saying that one view is the weak view and the other is the strong one. The fact is we are to care for each other, not berate each other. Eternity will reveal the truth. Am I willing to lay down my life for you? If you believe that it is necessary to wear a mask, I will not violate you, but, honor you and encourage you to continue to walk in faith. I will accept you and love you – you are my brother, my sister. Having had the privilege to travel the world, I learned very early how important it is to honor my brothers and sisters and their unique way of doing or not doing things. I would never think of forcing my ways on them. May we be as kind, considerate, and giving to each other during this and every season of life on earth. 

Some believe God is at work to bring about a “new thing.” Perhaps even, another “Great Awakening.” In my understanding, God is always at work in this fallen world. It would not surprise me if this pandemic is the result of our fall from grace in Eden, and the new thing might be a church that is so loving and caring of each other, and of their neighbor, that we rise to defend each other, regardless of the position we hold. It seems to me that man is always quick to tell each other what God is doing. Yes, He does speak to his people, and there are prophets today. BUT, in all of this, we need humility to acknowledge that He is God and that we are his imperfect vessels. “Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:1–3).

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